Wednesday 18 November 2015

Y12 Fieldtrip Day 1

Day 1

The day dawned, well actually it didn’t it remained dark and dismal until well in to the afternoon. Students present, check, staff present, check, then let’s go.

A good clear journey and the iconic skyline of Birmingham with its BT tower and Rotunda came into qintroduced to land use mapping in the recently redeveloped Brindley Place. The warehouses had given way to the new office blocks with a large number of bars and restaurants. One group were able to collect sound data as well as wind speed and temperature.

Students then moved on to consider the changes along a transect into the CBD. They were to consider the impacts of the urban heat island effect, impact of building height on wind speed and footfall changes. Whilst collecting this students also checked out the degree to which Birmingham was a clone town. Results suggest it is.

A long, dark wet and windy journey to the field centre followed.

Following the evening meal, just the two dinners for Dr Hitch, students got to grips with their data, producing and evaluating posters on the vitality of Birmingham city centre. The evening drew to a close just in time to catch the football.
Photos to follow and tweets on @KEGS_Geography

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