Friday 6 December 2013

Storm surge research

With the storm surge having impacts so close to home, y7s have been investigating the geographical reasons behind the surge and the impacts it has had in their geography lessons today. Miss Fryer's class created posters whilst Dr Hitch's and Mrs Revell's created news articles. 
All very interesting, especially considering the progress we have made in management and prediction since 1953!
Keeping an eye on the BBC live text site as we went through the lesson...discovered half way through the lesson that a lifeboat station had been lost to the sea
Using various resources in the investigation - atlases, news articles, environment agency warnings, textbooks and the video clips watched at the beginning of the lesson
One of the most important aspects was learning why the storm surge had occurred...with thanks to the weather forecaster Matt Taylor's video explanation on the BBC
Lots of different pieces of information incorporated into the posters!

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