Saturday 28 September 2013

Final day in the land of fire and ice!

The four days of the sixth form trip to Iceland are over! It's been a whirlwind but fantastic. The coach driver and the tour guide (both called Oli) were brilliant and in return they praised our students for being so well behaved/mannered.

So what did we do on our final day? Dr Hitch admitted that this day was actually more of a holiday - we had over an hour in Reykjavik in the morning, looking at the beautiful (though rather plain) cathedral, exploring the city and finding last minute souvenirs. How much the students thought about how Reykjavik fits classic urban models remains to be seen...!

We then set off for the Blue Lagoon - a little bit geological but really just relaxing! The hot waters (waste from the nearby geothermal plant) were an opaque blue and the floor was the basalt bedrock. Saunas, a waterfall, and face mask lotion were all available and made for a very relaxing couple of hours. 

With the swimming costumes ringed out it was time to head for the airport and home. Everything went very smoothly though we ended up being slightly late as the plane frustratingly circled above London for the last 20minutes or so. 

And then it was a case of getting on the last coach journey of the trip to return to school where most parents were waiting for our arrival. 

A fantastic trip (one of the comments was that it was the best educational trip a student had ever been on) and one that we hope to run in a couple of years time for the next round of sixth formers.

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